Is your tax debt the reason for your sleepless nights? Then there is nothing to worry as you are not alone suffering from this problem. You must be toiling to support your family expenditure besides making payment on bills within time. Therefore it becomes difficult for an individual to pay the back taxes along with the penalty charges on it. Do you get goose bumps while thinking how to get out of tax debt? Then you need not worry as we can resolve your problem through this article.
Here are few essential tips to get out of debt:
Offer in Compromise
An Offer in Compromise is a program offered by IRS to help the debtor to pay off the debt. Under this plan you need to pay a fraction of your total debt in a lump sum and the remaining debt is discharged by IRS.
Offer in Compromise’s success rate would be determined by the way you establish your cause for not paying the entire tax debt.
You need to submit a number of forms along with the back up documentation. Your might get an effective result if you take advice of a tax professional to handle this procedure.
For consecutive 5 years you have to file your tax return within deadline after the approval in offer in compromise. If you fail to follow the agreement then you are liable to pay the entire amount along with the penalty and interest charges on it.
Installment Agreement:
An installment agreement is one of the crucial ways to settle your tax debt. This repayment plan is offered by the IRS to pay off the tax debt in installment. But you have to owe tax debt of $10,000 or less in order to take up this plan.
A form needs to be submitted or visit On-line Payment Agreement Application page of the IRS site to take up this option. You have to decide the day and the monthly installment amount paid to the IRS. This would help to get out of tax debt.
Reduce the Penalty Charges:
When you have incurred tax debt the penalty as well as the interest rate is charged on the existing balance by IRS. Therefore you have to pay the outstanding amount along with the accruing penalty charges. If you convince the IRS with a suitable reason of the not paying the tax within time then you can expect certain help. It would be affordable to pay the tax debt if you submit relevant papers that would help to diminish the debt up to 30%.
Therefore these are the three most crucial ways to get out of debt with ease.
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