At the middle of the month when people are looking for some extra cash they have no other option other than relying on payday loan. When they are looking for financial help they fail to judge the disadvantages of the payday loan. As the APR charges are high therefore it will not be easy for the borrower to get out from the vicious cycle of debt. The accruing interest rate on the payday loan will make the repayment plan unfordable for your pocket. If you have overwhelming payday loan debts then try to follow these simple steps to eliminate debt owes from your life.
1. Inform your lenders or the lending companies that you cannot pay them. You should give them a letter stating your cause for not paying the debt. Then the lenders might sell your account to the collection agency. In this case you can take advice of a settlement firm that will help to negotiate with the debt collectors.
2. Ask your lender to provide a written document if they think of contacting you for the collection of payment. Emails or postal mails can save you from harassing phone calls of the collection agency. According to the federal law if the borrower wants his debt collectors to communicate in writing then they will have to abide by the request.
3. Acquire more information on your state law regarding payday loan. Some state law has declared payday loan as illegal and some state has limited the interest rate charged on the loan amount. If you find your payday loan lender has gone against the federal rule then it will be easier to negotiate with him. If the lender is breaking the law then you can inform your state regulator.
4. Inform your collection agency that you are willing to settle the account. Your debt collector might threat you to take you to court but you do not need to worry. As in some states the payday lenders are treated as illegitimate so they might be aware that if they take you to court then they might end losing the lawsuit. And they will not be able to retrieve a penny. Therefore, you can expect the lenders to lower the outstanding balance to make it affordable for your pocket. In case they still refuse to lower the principal amount then you can tell him that you are planning to file bankruptcy.
5. A debt settlement program can be an effective solution to lower your principal amount along with its interest rate. The proficient negotiators will help you to reduce the outstanding balance on your behalf. The settlement firm will prevent the collection agency to contact you. With their able advice they will guide you out of the debt trap with ease. If you are looking for a reliable company then ask someone in your family who has recently gone for a settlement program or visit the Attorney General's Office as they maintain a record of reputable firms.
These are the five essential ways to settle your payday loan and following them will help to liberate you from debt.
This article has been written by Angela Sanders. She is associated with Oak View Law Group, a trustworthy debt management firm.
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