Credit cards gives you perfect plastic money solution however its excessive and unplanned use could result in serious situations. People fall pray of spend now and pay later vicious circle and loose control over their spending. One must always monitor and control the earnings to save oneself from any unpleasant situation. There should be a strict plan and budget for repaying credit card bills and copping up with your debt. If you are not able to find suitable solution for credit card repayments that it is time that you should consider applying for consolidate credit card debt.
Well if you really want to get rid out of credit card mess then show some restrain and stop using it completely. This will stop any further increase of credit card debt. Well if you are used to plastic money then use debit card instead of credit card. It is very important to develop habit of paying bills on time, be it utility or credit card; this will reduce any further accumulation of debts and save you from extra expenses of late payments.
You must read each credit card statements carefully; Try to understand which card carries highest interest rate and try to pay back as soon as possible as accumulating rate will land you in deeper trouble. This way your debt values keep coming down. So list down all the credit cards you own according to highest interest rate and begin to pay back according in the similar order.
Once you get rid of highest interest rate debt, consolidated loan helps you getting payments so that you can pay other higher interest rate debt also. Well it is really a good debt management idea to negotiate interest rate while you are paying back the loan. Be prepared for rejection as Credit Card Company can upfront reject the plea but nothing to loose in trying and if they agree then you will end up paying less.
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